Telangana Grameena Bank (TGB) is a Scheduled Government Bank that provides a full range of services on par with public sector banks. If you are looking for the IFSC codes for Telangana Grameen Bank then you have landed at the right place.
Telangana Grameena Bank IFSC code for each TGB branch is essential for secure online transactions, facilitating NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS transfers in line with TGB’s mission of financial inclusion and rural development. Check this page for TGB IFSC codes & branch list details.
Table of Contents:
Let’s go through the Telangana Grameena Bank IFSC code details for the Nallakunta, Hyderabad head branch from below:
Bank | Telangana Grameena Bank |
MICR Code | Not Available |
Branch Code | RRDCGB |
Branch Type | Main Branch (Head Office) |
Branch | Nallakunta |
State | Telangana |
Phone | 9491041704 |
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Each branch of Telangana Grameena Bank across India is uniquely identified by an IFSC code. This IFSC code allows Telangana Grameena Bank account holders to perform electronic transactions like sending and receiving funds efficiently.
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Using an IFSC code is essential for secure and efficient banking transactions. Here’s how it benefits the banking process:
The IFSC code for each branch of Telangana Grameena Bank is a standard 11-character alphanumeric code.
S | B | I | N | 0 | R | R | D | C | G | B |
Bank Code | 0 | Branch Code |
This structure ensures precise routing and processing of electronic transactions for each branch.
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This table is a summary of Telangana Grameena Bank’s regional branch, the below is providing the IFSC code for each branch:
Location | Branch Name | IFSC Code |
Kamareddy | Eklora (Big) | SBIN0RRDCGB |
Kamareddy | Gandhari | SBIN0RRDCGB |
Kamareddy | Jukkal | SBIN0RRDCGB |
Kamareddy | Kamareddy | SBIN0RRDCGB |
Adilbad | Adilbad Main | SBIN0RRDCGB |
Machareddy | Machareddy | SBIN0RRDCGB |
Palwancha | Palwancha | SBIN0RRDCGB |
Peddamallareddy | Peddamallareddy | SBIN0RRDCGB |
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Disclaimer: Please verify the IFSC codes and branch details with Telangana Grameena Bank or through official banking sources before proceeding with any transactions.
To find the IFSC code for a Telangana Grameena Bank branch near you, visit their branch locator: Telangana Grameena Bank Branch Locator.
Telangana Grameena Bank (TGB) is a Scheduled Government Bank established with 428 branches across 18 districts in Telangana, TGB was formed by merging four Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) initially sponsored by the State Bank of Hyderabad. In 2014, Deccan Grameena Bank was rebranded as Telangana Grameena Bank, with the State Bank of India as its primary sponsor. With an authorized capital of Rs. 2000 Crores, TGB actively supports rural development through comprehensive financial services.
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You can locate your TGB branch IFSC code on your chequebook, passbook, the bank's website, or by contacting customer service.
The IFSC code for TGB has 11 characters. The first 4 are 'SBIN' for State Bank of India, the fifth is '0', and the last 6 are a unique branch identifier.
The IFSC code is usually printed on each cheque leaf and the front page of your passbook.
When initiating a fund transfer (e.g., NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS), enter the IFSC code along with the beneficiary’s account details to ensure the funds are sent to the correct bank branch.
If you enter an incorrect IFSC code, the transaction may fail or be routed to the wrong branch. Contact your bank immediately to request a transaction reversal or correction.
Yes, you can use the branch locator on the Telangana Grameena Bank official website to find the IFSC code for any TGB branch.
No, each TGB branch has a unique IFSC code, allowing each branch to be individually identified for transactions.
You can verify the IFSC code through the TGB website, trusted financial directories, or by contacting the branch directly.
Log in, select transfer type (NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS), input beneficiary's details and IFSC, review, authorize.
Contact your bank if the IFSC code changes; update the new code with relevant entities.
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