Baroda UP Gramin Bank IFSC Code

The IFSC Code for Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank is BARB0BUPGBX. This 11-character alphanumeric code is used for online fund transfers such as NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. It uniquely identifies the Baroda UP Gramin Bank's branch. IFSC codes ensure accurate routing of funds to the intended bank branch.

In this page, know more about Baroda U.P. Gramin Bank IFSC Code, bank branches, & contact/customer care details.

The IFSC for Baroda UP Gramin Bank is BARB0BUPGBX, and it can be found on your passbook, checkbook, or online portals.

Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank IFSC Code

Here are the main details you need to know about the Baroda UP Gramin Bank IFSC Code:

Bank Baroda U.P. Bank
Head Office Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
Address Buddh Vihar Commercial Scheme, New Shivpuri Colony, Taramandal, Gorakhpur-273016

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*Note in the Baroda UP IFSC Code BARB0BUPGBX the fifth letter is 'Zero’.

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Structure of Baroda UP Gramin Bank IFSC Code

The IFSC Code follows a unique structure, which makes it possible to identify the bank and its specific branch. Here’s a breakdown of how the code is formatted to serve its purpose.

The format of Baroda UP Gramin Bank IFSC is as below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bank Code (BARB) 0 Branch Code (BUPGBX)

The IFSC code BARB0BUPGBX is structured as follows:

Part of Code Meaning
BARB The first four characters represent the Bank of Baroda
0 The fifth character is always zero, reserved for future use
BUPGBX The last six characters identify the branch (Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank)

Ways to Find IFSC Code

IFSC Code can be located through a variety of methods, from your passbook to online portals, ensuring that you have the correct information for transactions.

  1. Check Your Passbook: The IFSC code is often printed on the first page of your bank passbook.
  2. Refer to a Cheque Leaf: The code can also be found on the top portion of your cheque leaf.
  3. Online Banking Portals: You can log into your bank’s online banking portal, where branch details, including the IFSC code, are usually displayed.
  4. Search Online: Websites such as the bank’s official site or financial portals like Groww and Wise provide IFSC code details.
  5. Mobile Banking Apps: Most banks’ mobile applications include information on IFSC codes when accessing your account details.

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Benefits of IFSC Code

IFSC codes play a vital role in simplifying banking transactions, ensuring quick and secure online transfers, and making branch identification easier. Here's why they are essential for any bank customer.

  • Simplified Online Transactions: The IFSC code facilitates secure, fast, and accurate online fund transfers via NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS systems.
  • Branch Identification: Each code is unique to its branch, reducing errors in fund transfers by ensuring that payments go to the correct recipient.
  • Automated Processing: The IFSC code enables automation in banking operations, speeding up the transaction process and enhancing efficiency.
  • Essential for Cross-Border Payments: If you are sending or receiving money from abroad, you will need the IFSC code to complete the transaction.

Baroda UP Gramin Bank Branch List

Baroda U.P. Gramin Bank has 31 AO or RO offices, including the head office in ‘Gorakhpur’.

SL No. Head Office/AO/RO Offices Email ID Contact Numbers
1 Head Office, Gorakhpur 0551 - 2230240,
2 RO - Allahabad 9151056202
3 RO - Amethi 9151056203
4 RO - Bareilly 9151056300
5 RO - Faizabad 9151056449

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Baroda UP Gramin Bank has a branch locator, which will help you locate a Baroda UP bank branch near you. Select your district on the branch locator page to check the nearest bank branch.

Baroda UP Gramin Bank Customer Care

Check the Baroda UP Gramin Bank Customer Care number and Balance Enquiry Number & other contact details from below:

Customer Care Number 1800-229-779 (Toll Free)
Customer Care Mobile Number +91 93239 90644
Balance Enquiry Number 9986454440 (Missed Call)
Email (Head Office Branch)
Head Office Contact Numbers 0551 – 2230240, 2230166, 2230010, 2230068, 2230215

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Frequently Asked Questions

The IFSC code for the Baroda UP Gramin Bank is BARB0BUPGBX. This code is essential for online transactions like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS.

You can find the IFSC code on your passbook, cheque leaf, bank’s mobile or online banking platforms, or by visiting financial portals like Groww or Wise. It is also printed on your bank account statements.

The IFSC code is required to conduct secure and accurate online transactions, ensuring the correct bank branch is identified during NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS fund transfers.

No, you need the correct IFSC code to initiate online fund transfers. Without it, the transaction may not be processed or could be misdirected.

No, each branch of Baroda UP Gramin Bank has a unique IFSC code, which is used to distinguish it from other branches for online transactions.

You can verify the IFSC code by checking it on the bank’s official website, your passbook, cheque, or financial portals such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) website.

If you use the wrong IFSC code, the transaction may fail, or in rare cases, the funds may be transferred to the wrong branch. Contact your bank immediately if this happens.

Yes, you can find the IFSC code for any Baroda UP Gramin Bank branch on the Reserve Bank of India's website or through their official IFSC code directories.

Yes, in the event of a bank merger or restructuring, the IFSC codes might change. Your bank will notify you, and you may need to update your records accordingly for future transactions.

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