Being the biggest loan aggregator in India, Buddy Loan can easily co-create a bright future. Like many others, you can take instant personal loans using Buddy Loan. Get a quick loan, especially when you have a sudden financial crunch or medical emergency. You can get a loan starting from INR 10,00 to INR 15 Lakh with an interest rate of 11.9%annum. Now you can plan your vacation, wedding, and even grow your business. Read below the Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonial
Here are some great insights from Minakshi Naglore, who shares her experience as a user of the Buddy Loan app. Minakshi explains that she came across the buddy Loan through an SMS. She further explains that, soon after clicking the link attached to that particular SMS, she continues to proceed to the next step by providing all the details required to apply for the loan.
Soon after filling in the details, she receives a notification claiming her loan has been approved. To her surprise, she found the procedure extremely prompt and quick. She further explains that the app is user-friendly as she claims to recommend it to others as well. She continues describing her experience with the Buddy Loan support team stating that they provide her information with utmost clarity. Minakshi Naglore mentions that the loan was approved within a day and rated the app a 10 out of 10, being satisfied with the Buddy Loan support team and the app .
Looking for a quick personal loan too? Then you have found yourself in the right place. Take a personal loan following these few simple steps.
Steps To Apply For a Personal Loan with Buddy Loan
1: Visit or Download & install the Buddy Loan app (Android or iOS).
2: Open the personal loan application page. Provide the mobile number and enter the received OTP.
3: Specify the desired loan amount & personal email. Next, choose the Personal Loan option
4: Choose the employment type (Salaried, Self-Employed, or Student) and the salary mode (bank or cash).
5: Enter your work details (Including company name, years of service and Designation)
6: Enter your personal details (Including Full Name, PAN, address, DOB & Gender)
7: Provide your communication address, and income details and Click the ‘Submit’ button.
Now, this is the procedure to apply for a personal loan. You should know that there are multiple benefits for applicants who have availed of an instant personal loan via Buddy loan. Also, please read through what is a personal loan and the easiest hacks to apply for the same.
What Is a Personal Loan?
Being a multipurpose loan system that provides financial coverage where you can borrow money and repay it later. You should visit the Buddy Loan website to get a rapid personal loan and the best deals on interest rates.
Thus, this will further discuss the easiest hacks to be eligible to get quick personal loans.
A Good Credit Score- A credit score will monitor your eligibility to avail of a loan. Is your credit score the desired ideal position? Have you monitored it yet?If not then you should log in to Buddy Score to quickly evaluate your credit score.
A good credit score can benefit from getting a fast personal loan. The benefits are as follows –
- A good credit score will ensure easy personal loan approval.
- It will assist you in getting a personal loan at lower interest rates along with other attractive credit card offers.
- You become eligible to get personal loan with fewer documents.
- You can get your lenders’ trust.
- Can also expect longer repayment tenure with a good credit score.
A good relationship – A good stead with the lender and being a long-term patron of the institution might assist you in skipping the basic paperwork. A good relationship with your lender will usually help you as the lender might have the details available.
- Other Charges – Please ensure adequate knowledge about your processing fee before you make any actual expenditure.
Eligibility Criteria
Follow the table below to get an idea of the eligibility criteria.
– | Description of the recipient | Documents required |
1 | Nationality , Indian | Proof of identity – Adhaar card , DL, Passport , |
2 | Age (20 to 65) | Proof of address – Water bill, electricity bill , Adhaar card. |
3 | Employed or Self employed | Proof of income –
4 | Credit score more than 700 | Income Tax returns of 3 years – Balance sheet , Profit & loss statements |
5 | If self employed business should have minimum turnover of 10n lakhs | Individuals should be associated with current business for a minimum 3 years. |
Also Read: Buddy Loan Helps Customers Borrow Quick Personal Loans With Customer Testimonials
Personal loans are eligible to be used for anything. As a loan borrower you should make sure you use your loan amount . The loan should be borrowed for responsible reasons so that the lenders don’t bother you. You can also visit the Buddy Loan website to get the quickest and easiest way to meet your urgent requirements.
Download Personal Loan App
Get a loan instantly! Best Personal Loan App for your needs!!
Looking for an instant loan? Buddy Loan helps you get an instant loan from the best RBI-approved lenders. Download the Buddy Loan App from the Play Store or App Store and apply for a loan now!
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